Computer Services


Computer Services provides network and desktop support to staff and faculty, including network maintenance and administration, setup and support of university-owned desktops and laptops and Microsoft 365 administration and assistance.

Staff & Faculty IT Support Requests

Staff and Faculty can place a service request for common technical support issues such as password or account issues, computer hardware problems, network connectivity issues, etc. by clicking here to fill out a support request.

Self-help for students, staff & faculty

Please browse the list of Help Topics for assistance with some frequently asked questions such as how to set up a Microsoft Teams online meeting, how to share your calendar with other users and how to connect your devices to NSCAD’s wireless networks.

If you are a student requiring assistance with login issues, please review the “Troubleshooting login issues” page under our help topics. If these troubleshooting steps do not resolve the issue, please visit the Multimedia Help Desk for further assistance. You can also use the online Password Manager utility to test, change or reset your password.


Owen Gottschalk – Director, Computer Services

Amin Meskat – System Administrator (Fountain Campus)

Jonas Ye – System Administrator (Port Campus)

Tori Brine – Administrative Desktop Support (**currently on partial leave)
Submit a support request

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